The autumn season brings us not only beautiful colours and cooler weather, but also an opportunity to reflect on our goals and resolutions for the coming year. Enter the new year with a bang and simplify unnecessary paperwork and complex processes!

🤔 Why an app?

Excel spreadsheets may still be the standard for many companies to manage employee information such as candidate information, new hires and training. However, even the best spreadsheet is but a continuation of paper binders, where every HR task still carries an overload of bureaucracy, this is the so-called "fake digital".

On joining, personal details have to be manually copied into all documents while the HR application takes care of the error-free automatic transcription and submission for signature. The HR application can simply save a considerable amount of time and energy.

🥷 Advantages of replacing Excel spreadsheets with apps:

1. Process automation.

2. Reduction of errors: manually entering data into spreadsheets can result in duplication or overwriting of important data. Onboardio, on the other hand, helps keep track of data records for individual employees and minimizes the risk of duplication and overwriting.

3. The number of spreadsheets that HR teams manage is usually very large. This can then lead to difficulty in tracking down the correct data. In Onboardio, you and the employee have everything at your fingertips.

4. Cost reduction: automation helps to ensure that nothing important is forgotten in the onboarding process and that routine tasks and their follow-up are done automatically. Moreover, with a cloud-based application like Onboardio, you don't even have to invest in hardware, server infrastructure and overload an already busy IT department.

5. Onboardio has greatersecurity measures and more thorough access rights settings than Excel spreadsheets, helping to protect sensitive employee information.

Onboardio is here to help you focus more on your people this year, and to keep you on course as you navigate the choppy onboarding sea ⛵️ without wasting energy or money.

Sail into a world where you can spend more time with people instead of unnecessary complexity!

Interested in how Onboardio works?

Arrange a demonstration with someone from our team, we will be happy to introduce you to the app and its benefits!

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