Themutual rights and obligations of the User and the Operator arising from the use of the Application are governed by these Terms and Conditions:

  1. Definition of
    1. In these terms and conditions:
      1. "Operator" is Onboardio s.r.o., ID No.: 11766093, with registered office at Rybná 716/24, Staré Město, 110 00 Prague 1.
      2. "Application" means the web application called Onboardio, whose main functionalities include HR - a comprehensive solution for the recruitment process and which is accessible from the internet address and
      3. "GTC" means these General Terms and Conditions.
      4. "Agreement" means the agreement concluded between the User and the Operator, the subject of which is the granting of a License to use the Application to the User under the terms and conditions set out in these GTC.
      5. "License" means a non-exclusive license to use the Application under the terms and conditions set forth in these GTC.
      6. "User" means any legal or natural person other than the Operator who uses the Application.
      7. "User Account" means the non-public portion of the Application that is accessible to the User after entering the Login Credentials.
      8. "Login Credentials" means the unique combination of the User's login name and password selected by the User, which the User stores in the Application's database when establishing a User Account through the Application and/or automatically generated by the Application for the User.
  2. Use of the App
    1. The Operator grants the User a License to the extent and under the terms and conditions specified in the Application's user environment, in particular those specified for the User Account type.
    2. Upon expiry of the Licence Period, the Operator is entitled to make the User Account fully and/or partially inaccessible to the User.
    3. The User has the right to use the Application under the terms of the Agreement in the current version available from the relevant Internet address.
    4. When using the Application, the User undertakes to act in such a way that neither the User nor the Operator will suffer any damage by using the Application.
    5. The Provider guarantees the availability of the Application 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, except for previously announced downtimes necessary for regular updates and other improvements to the functionality of the Application.
    6. The User acknowledges that the Availability of the Application may be limited and/or excluded due to the need for periodic updates or other random events that occur without the fault and/or will of the Operator.
  3. Database
    1. The User has no right to use the Application to extract the database associated with the Application by machine (especially by means of so-called software robots).
    2. The User and the Operator hereby agree that any data entered by the User into the database of the Application are parts of the database collected by the Operator and become part of the Operator's database, without the User acquiring any right to the database of the Application by his/her actions described in this paragraph.
    3. The Parties are aware, declare and make it undisputed that the Application fulfils the conditions of Section 562(2) of the Civil Code, i.e. that the data records in the Application and its database as an electronic system are reliable and are carried out systematically and sequentially and are protected against changes.
    4. The Provider is obliged to ensure that all Information stored on the server via the Application is sufficiently protected against loss, disruption, destruction, or possible misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, publication or other illegal or unlawful operation.
  4. Liability for damages
    1. The Provider shall not be liable for any damages caused to the User by unauthorized or improper use of the Application, including the Free version of the Application by the User or any third parties.
    2. The Operator is in no way responsible for the content, correctness or completeness of the Information stored, collected or generated by the User through the Application; however, the Operator is not responsible for the compliance of the Information with the relevant legal regulations, as well as for the use of the Information by the User.
  5. Change of GTC
    1. The User acknowledges that the Operator concludes the Contract in the ordinary course of business with a large number of persons and the Contracts are by their nature binding in the long term for repeated performances of the same kind with reference to these GTC. The Parties make it undisputed that the nature of the Operator's obligations under these GTCs implies and, prior to the conclusion of the Contract, already implied a reasonable need for a subsequent amendment to these GTCs.
    2. The Parties hereby agree that the Operator may amend these GTC to a reasonable extent and also agree that the amendment to the GTC will be notified to the User, as the other party, by means of an e-mail message sent to the e-mail address entered by the User into the Application. In such case, the User shall have the right to reject the changes to the GTC and to terminate the subject obligation between him and the Operator for this reason within a notice period of three (3) calendar months, which shall commence on the day following the dispatch of the notice, which the Parties hereby agree is sufficient to procure similar performance from another entity.
    3. In the event that a new Agreement is concluded for an existing User Account (i.e. renewal or extension of the User Account), such Agreement shall be governed by the GTC as amended on the date of conclusion of such Agreement.
  6. Personal data protection
    1. The operator is legally obliged to protect and secure the personal data provided. Therefore, the Operator uses various effective security technologies to protect personal data from unauthorized disclosure or use.
    2. For more detailed information on data protection, please click here: onboardio.czsecurity-and-gdpr.html
  7. Applicable law
    1. These GTC, as well as the Contract, are governed by the law of the Czech Republic, in particular Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, as amended.
    2. Any disputes arising under the Contract and/or these GTC shall be decided by the courts of the Czech Republic having jurisdiction in the matter and place.
    3. These GTC can only be deviated from by written agreement between the Operator and the User.
  8. Efficiency
    1. These GTC shall come into force and effect on 11 October 2023.